Home NewsNational Local community builds police station in rural Rwanda

Local community builds police station in rural Rwanda

by Patrick Bigabo & Mbarusha Aimable
1:16 pm
Local community builds police station in rural Rwanda

Police post built by residents of Rusebeya sector in Rutsiro district

Residents of Rusebeya sector in Rutsiro district are today jubilating at the inauguration of a Police Post they constructed.

Construction of the police post cost Rwf27.5 million. Residents raised Rwf20 million while the district provided Rwf7.5 million.

The funds were jointly raised by residents in the sector and also supported by the district authority as a means of finding solutions to local challenges.

Sylvestre Bisangwabagabo, the sector Executive Secretary told KT Press that the police post was built through a partnership between Police and residents.

The structure was constructed from baked bricks, concrete, corrugated tin roofing, metallic doors and burglary proofed glass windows. The building is also connected with electricity.

The Deputy Commissioner General of Police, Juvenal Marizamunda, officiated the inauguration ceremony of the new police post.

Local community builds police station in rural Rwanda

Residents and Police cut the tape to officially let the police post

Local community builds police station in rural Rwanda

Room in which male suspects will be detained

Local community builds police station in rural Rwanda

Room for female suspects furnished with mattress and mat