Home Business & Tech Cimerwa Introduces Bulk Cement Supply

Cimerwa Introduces Bulk Cement Supply

4:10 pm

This bulk truck will be used to deliver cement at construction sites

Rwanda’s only cement manufacturer Cimerwa PPC has introduced a new innovative way of delivering bulk cement to its clients.

Local property developers have always complained of scarcity of local cement despite its high quality and demand.

Using a mega-ton truck transporter, large quantities of cement will be delivered at construction site reducing time and delivery from stores to sites.

The new service seeks to cut down theft of cement from sites as trucks will act as stores; reduce on labour needed to offload and load and improve inventory management.

According to Cimerwa officials, projects like the recently launched construction works at Bugesera international airport and Hakan Peat energy project in Gisagara will highly benefit from this service.

“Infrastructure growth in Rwanda can no longer be supplied with the usual 50kgs bag units. There is a real need to expedite and complete these projects thus introducing bulk supply as the most suited solution,” said Bheki Mthembu, the Cimerwa CEO.

Cimerwa officials today held a breakfast with its clients partners where the company unveiled one of the bulk trucks that will be delivering cement products directly from the plant.

Mthembu said that Cimerwa clients have demanded for timely delivery of cement and have highly commended the quality and durability of Rwandan cement in most large scale construction projects such as stadiums in the districts, civil works and sky scrapers.

L-R Cimerwa CEO Bheki Mthembu, and Cimerrwa Chairman Board of Directors, Jonathan Gatera and another Board member

“We highly recommend use of Rwandan cement. It is durable and whenever we conduct quality controls, it stands above other cement products,” Benitha Kambari, in-charge of Quality Assurance and Marketing at Ricent PTB said.

Other clients also say the new initiative will cut on logistical costs and save time.

Since 2015 Cimerwa has set targets of maximizing its cement production from 100.000 tonnes to 600.000 tonnes annually representing a 500% increase to meet the national demand currently at 30%.

While cement business remains competitive with many regional producers (Hima cement from Uganda and Kilimanjaro from Tanzania) eyeing the Rwandan market, Cimerwa has invested $170 million in a modern dry-processing plant and expanded its market in the Central African region especially in Burundi and DR Congo- which are closer to the plant location in Rusizi district.

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