Alice Cyusa and Encologist Dr. Jose Bufill
Dr. Jose Bufill – a specialised Hematology Oncologist based in Indiana, United States, is expected in the country to partner with Rwanda Military Hospital to raise awareness and treatment of Breast Cancer.
Rwanda Military Hospital is set to unveil a State-of-the-art radiotherapy centre that will provide patients with a link to comprehensive cancer care.
The facility, in addition to Shyira and Butaro cancer centers will save several Rwandans and government from spending over $500million seeking treatment outside the country especially India, China and Kenya.
It costs patients between $8,000 and $12,000 to seek treatment abroad.
The new facility, which is under tests, will operate as a center for cancer treatment. However, the country still suffers limited number of Oncologists to perform the needed treatment.
Available records from the Ministry of Health indicate that there are 3 to 5 Oncologists in the country.
Last year – Alice Kabagire Cyusa, a Rwandan Leukemia survivor who was treated by Dr. Bufill, developed an idea of inviting him to Rwanda to work with Rwandan specialists.
“Dr. Bufill saved my life from APL -Leukemia Cancer. I asked him if he could come and visit Rwanda and provide some help,” Cyusa told KT Press.

Encologist Dr. Jose Bufill
At a presentation on Monday, Dr. Bufill and Dr. Fabien Ntaganda – an Oncologist at Rwanda Military Hospital will do a presentation on “Overview of Lymphoma and Breast Cancers” followed by a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Ntaganda.
Data from Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) indicate that cases of breast cancer in Rwanda is still high.
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women, after cervical cancer.
Annually, there are around 550 cases of breast cancer patients who seek treatment.
The hospital has invited the general public to attend and understand the specialists’ overview about the deadly disease.
Affiliated with Michiana Oncology/ Hematology Centre in Indiana, Dr. Bufill will tour the new Radiotherapy Unit at Rwanda Military Hospital.
He will also visit Butaro Cancer Centre in Northern Province on Tuesday, before visiting University of Rwanda, School of Medecine.