Home NewsNational Mutatsineza Outshines Kigali Automobile Mechanics

Mutatsineza Outshines Kigali Automobile Mechanics

by Williams Buningwire
5:58 pm

Mutatsineza(Left) receives her certificate from Dr James Gashumba, Vice chancellor of Rwanda Polytechnic

It was an emotional moment when Rosine Mutatsineza was proclaimed the best student in automobile mechanic program of the Institute of Polytechnic Regional Center (IPRC) Kigali City.

The program, which run for 14 days and targeted 239 technicians from Kigali garages who include one female, Rosine Mutatsineza.

The assessment targeted Engine works performing, Transmission and Control System Repairing, Car Body Works Performing, Tire Service Performing and Car Glass Services and Electricity and Electronic systems repairing.

After senior two level, Mutatsineza had turned 15 years and proposed to her parents that she wanted to join professional mechanic courses in Kigali based garages than continuing with senior three.

“My parents listened to my wish and gave me a go head. I went to Nyabugogo garage near taxi parks and contacted a garage manager whom I presented my desire to join his garage. At first he laughed at me, thinking that I was joking,” Mutatsineza recalls.

Rwanda Polytechnic, IPRC officials with graduates

Mutatsineza was courageous enough to ask about the school fees for her to learn mechanics, and she was told that she needed Rwf200, 000.

The next morning she pleaded with her parents to give her this money and she started in 2015.

Currently, Mutatsineza works in Nyabugogo garage where she earns not less than Rwf120, 000 every month since 2016.

“I am thinking about starting my own garage in Kigali City in future, so that I can make more money. I have a dream of employing women in my garage and show them that what men can do women can also do, even better,” Mutatsineza said.

Dr. James Gashumba Vice Chancellor of Rwanda Polytechnic “You have got the government support to acquire these certificates. You haven’t been paying for these services, but let your works speak for you,” Gashumba said.

Government of Rwanda, the Government of Switzerland and Private Sector Federation sponsored the evaluation.
