The High Court Chamber of International and Cross-border Crimes in Nyanza district has sentenced to life in jail Rwandan Ladislas Ntaganzwa after it found him guilty of genocide crimes in…
Court Hears Ntaganzwa Partnered With Burundian Refugees to kill 38, 000 Tutsi
by Daniel Sabiiti 11:34 amRwandan High court has received new evidence pinning Ladislas Ntaganzwa – former Bourgmestre of Nyakizu Commune that he partnered with Burundian refugees to systematically execute over 38, 000 Tutsi. Prosecution…
During Genocide: Ladislas Ntaganzwa Directly Reported to Interahamwe Chief
by KT Press Staff Writer 4:50 pmThe special chamber of High court in Rwanda has conducted the second hearing in the case involving Genocide suspect Ladislas Ntaganzwa. Ntaganzwa is a former mayor of Nyakizu commune in…