The First Lady Jeannette Kagame(4th from left) at the Bloomberg.org event
While the highly privileged around the world only give their surplus to the poor, the trend is different in Africa, First Lady Mrs. Jeannette Kagame said.
“Africa is a continent of givers. Even the poorest amongst us always find something to share with those even less fortunate,” said Mrs. Kagame
Speaking during at an event organized by Bloomberg to celebrate ‘Innovative Partnerships for Women in Africa’ on the sidelines of the ongoing 71st UN General Assembly in New York, the First Lady said Rwanda is an example that Africans have a big heart to give.
“Our recent history is a testament to this approach. The liberation of Rwanda was made possible by Rwandans who gave what they had,” she told the gathering that included Michael Bloomberg- a philanthropist and owner of Bloomberg Group.
The event was organized by Bloomberg.Org- a philanthropy network of Bloomberg that promotes arts, Education; government innovation, environment and public health around the world.
The event focused on Africa’s vast potential best exploited when social enterprises, the private sector, and governments come together.
For Mrs. Kagame, “in this quest for true development, the relevance of these philanthropic partnerships is that all parties involved are winners.”
Meanwhile, the Bloomberg Philanthropies remain strong partners with Imbuto Foundation- First Lady’s charity organization.
Last year, the two organisations launched a mobile application for Rwandans to access free books.
The ‘Library For All’ app for all android devices will enable Rwandans access over 500 books from 200 authors and improve the country’s library services and literacy through technology.
Meanwhile, the First Lady’s philanthropy work back home has saved thousands of underprivileged Rwandans from poverty and illiteracy through different projects.
Some of the projects include Mountain Movers, the 12+program launched 2 years ago, with the aim of providing vulnerable girls, aged 10-12, with crucial information on sexual reproductive health. The organization also equips them with socio-economic and leadership skills to prepare them for adolescence, which is a delicate chapter in their lives.