By 2030, Rwanda population will comprise of 60% below 30 years and 6% aged 60 years and over
Rwandans have more chances of living longer – a new survey conducted by the United Nations has revealed.
A projection by UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, ‘IPC Datashot’ published on January 17 announced that Rwandans can live up to 70 years by 2030 compared to life expectancy of 50years in 2000.
Rwanda has been experiencing a steady increase in life expectancy of its citizens. In 1990-1995 Rwandans could only live up to the age of 23years. Between 1995-2000 life expectancy rose to 44 years and later rising to 50 years in the period between 2000-2005.
Rwanda ranks 134th on list of life expectancy with 66.1 years life expectancy for both sex. With 71.1 years of life expectancy, Rwandan women live ten years longer compared to men, 60.1 years, according to World Health Organization.
The report indicates that improved life expectancy; “is a result of interventions over the past decade to fight against the leading causes of death in Rwanda, including malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. It is projected that life expectancy will steadily improve to reach an average of 70 years by 2025–2030.”
HIV prevalence rate among adults declined to 2.8 per cent in 2015, from a stable 3 per cent since 2005. HIV prevalence is higher among women than men with 3.7% compared to 2.2%.
The country is taking ambitious measures to curb new infections across all age groups. Measures include increasing availability and accessibility of condoms, developing minimum prevention for key populations with high risk of HIV infection.
The country has placed in several public places, cabins where free condoms are accessible.
Other measures intend to eliminate new infections among children, halve the number of tuberculosis related deaths among people living with HIV between 2013 – 2018 among others.
As for malaria, Rwanda is focusing on distribution of insecticide treated bed nets targeting 6 million nets by the end of 2016.
Furthermore, the country conducts indoor residual spraying in malaria prone districts every two years.
Currently, two trained community health workers per village are supporting health centers’ efforts to treat malaria. They have kits that help diagnosing malaria and can prescribe medicine.
Rwandan population will still be predominantly young with over 60% citizens below 30 years in 2030 while people aged 60 years and above will comprise of just over 6% of the population. The total population of the country is projected to increase to 16 million in 2030 up from 12 million in 2015 representing over 30% growth over the 15-year period.
Meanwhile, Japan, Switzerland and Singapore are among the top three with highest life expectancy; between 83.7 and 83.1 years. In these countries, women live longer than men, a common trend in the world.