Increase of petrol prices becomes the first shocking event for drivers in 2017
Car owners will have to dig deeper into their pockets to keep driving.
In a communiqué from Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) has announced that effective January 4, 2017 pump prices for petrol will be Rwf 970 per liter compared to Rwf 948 which is an increase of Rwf 22.
Pump prices per litre of diesel were also increased to Rwf 932 from Rwf 914 indicating an increase of Rwf 18.
“Increased fuel pump price is a result of continued pressure mounted by an increase on global market,” RURA, the new regulator of petroleum products who took over from Ministry of Trade and industry a couple of months ago wrote last evening.
The last increase in fuel prices was in November 2016 where Petrol prices were most affected- increasing by Rwf 122 while diesel increased by Rwf 54 compared to pump price in May of the same year.
This was also a consequence of international oil prices which increased by 35% between January and May 2016.