A Rwandan Member of Parliament, MP Fidel Rwigamba has passed away at the age of 73 after a long illness which he has been battling with for quite some time.
“It is with heavy heart and deep sorry that the Chamber of Deputies announces that Honorable Rwigamba Fidel passed on this morning of February 15 at King Fayçal Hospital after an illness,” Donatille Mukabalisa, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies said in a statement.
The deceased MP joined the parliament in 2018 and served as the chairperson of the Foreign Affairs committee in the Chamber of Deputies and also represented Rwanda in the Pan African Parliament.
Fellow MP, Dr Frank Habineza told KTPress that he personally knew Rwigamba as a hard working, gentle and integral person when they joined the House in 2018 and was saddened by his passing away.
“This is a sad moment for us who worked with him and we will remember honorable Rwigamba for being a very committed person who served with gentleness and integrity whenever I addressed any issue to him,” Habineza said.
On behalf of the parliament, Chamber of Deputies passed on their condolences to the Rwigamba family.
Details about the burial of late MP Fidel Rwigamba are yet to be announced.