Musoni Mugabo(Not real name), a teacher from a private, Secondary school in Nyamata Bugesera district, last went to check his bank account early March when he got his salary for…
Private schools
On April 24, Acorns International School (AIS) wrote to parents asking them to raise $1,500 which is equivalent to 90% of school fees to “enable school maintenance and pay for…
Rwanda: Religious Organisations Offer Land to Govt For Schools Construction
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 10:04 pmOvercrowding is becoming rampant in Rwandan schools thanks to the education for all policy which is taking shape. To address the challenge, the government needs its education partners badly. Tomorrow,…
During this year’s Umushyikirano, or National Dialogue Council President Kagame, who chairs the annual event reiterated the importance of not only access to education for all but quality education. One…
Education Ministry Clears Air on English as Medium of Instruction in Primary School
by Williams Buningwire 4:05 pmMinistry of education has ‘cleared the air’ about the long standing disagreement on using Kinyarwanda as a medium of instruction in lower primary, replacing it with English. The policy of…
Poor Standards of Schools in Gicumbi District Irk REB Officials
by Williams Buningwire 8:27 amTop officials at Rwanda Education Board (REB) say they are shocked by the alarmingly low levels of student attainment, and poor teaching standards found in many schools in Gicumbi…
On Monday, January 28, a cabinet meeting chaired by President Paul Kagame approved a 10% increase for teachers’ salaries. Those to benefit from an upward shift in monthly earnings are…
Mineduc Wakes Up While Schools Are Busy ‘Stealing’ from Students
by Jean de la Croix Tabaro 8:03 pmThe Ministry of Education has requested local schools to desist from asking students extra money which was not agreed upon with parents. According to a communiqué, it has come to…
Business & TechEconomy
Hundred Private Schools Bankrupt , Begin Closing Business
by KT Press Staff Writer 1:05 pmPrivate schools are pleading with government for partnerships and save them from failing due to bankruptcy. More than hundred schools across the country fear that they may run out of…
The ministry of education has asked district mayors across the country to investigate and establish why private schools are closing and advise accordingly. Currently 20 private schools have closed doors;…
Groupe Scolaire de Musange, a secondary school in Nyamagabe district, Southern Rwanda is now a cattle grazing ground. Classrooms have turned into cowsheds. The school is just one of the…