Local elections are over. The whirlwind grassroots fight for power ended peacefully, but with a few too confident and too expectant local politicians falling off the cliff after succumbing to unforgiving new blood.
Some mayors were able to retain their jobs though. Rubavu mayor, Jeremie Sinamenye, was actually able to come back with his whole team. All new contenders for the seats fell off the race.
“I have to finish my project,” the roads in Gisenyi town, and increase health insurance subscription,” he said in his inaugural speech.
The electoral process began early in the morning. District confrence rooms were packed as pressure mounted in the room to finally elect the local leaders after a month of grassroot elections that began with volunteers at the village level.
Below are the official Mayors as reported by Kigali Today correspondents on ground.
- Kicukiro: Dr Nyirahabimana Jeanne
- Muhanga : Uwamariya Beatrice
- Nyanza: Ntazinda Erasme
- Nyamagabe: Mugisha Philbert
- Ruhango: Mbabazi François Xavier
- Nyaruguru: Habitegeko François
- Gisagara: Rutaburingoga Jérôme
- Ngororero: Ndayambaje Godfrey
- Ngoma: Nambaje Aphrodis
- Gicumbi: Mudaheranwa Juvénal
- Nyagatare: Mupenzi George
- Nyarugenge: Kayisime Nzaramba
- Huye: Kayiranga Muzuka Eugène
- Nyabihu: Uwanzwenuwe Théoneste
- Rutsiro: Ayinkamiye Emerance
- Rwamagana: Mbonyumuvunyi Rajab
- Bugesera: Nsanzumuhire Emmanuel
- Rubavu: Sinamenye Jérémie
- Gasabo: Rwamurangwa Steven
- Gatsibo: Gasana Richard
- Kamonyi: Udahemuka Aimable
- Karongi: Ndayisaba François
- Rusizi: Harerimana Frederic
- Gakenke:Nzamwita Deoglatias
- Rulindo:Kayiranga Emmanuel
- Musanze:Musabyimana Jean Claude
- Burera:Uwambaje Marie Florence
- Kirehe:Muzungu Gerard
- Nyamasheke:Kamali Aimée Fabien
- Kayonza:Murenzi Jean Claude
Administrative structure of a district
At the political level, the district is governed by the following three (3) organs, the District Council, the Executive Committee, and the Security Committee.
The above organs are technically supported by the following two (2) organs, the Executive Secretariat, and the District Development Committee.
The District Council’s composition, responsibilities, functioning, dissolution and committee is provided in the low in a following manner.
First, the Councilors are elected at the level of Sectors which make up the District, each
Sector represented by one councilor.
Three (3) councilors who are members of the Bureau of the National Youth Council, the Council of Persons with Disability and the coordinator of the Women Council, but at least thirty percent (30%) of all the councilors must be women.
The district is however, led by three people; the mayor and two vice mayors, but governed by two organs, the administration and the council.
The number of councilors is, notably, dependent on the number of sectors the district has.
The Benefits?
Apparently, the mayor earns more or slightly less than the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary (Rwf1.6m gross), with the possibility of an increment depending on the capacity of the district, as it is provided for by the law. Maximum increase is 30% of basic salary.
The Mayor has benefits including, an SUV worth ceiling of Rwf18m duty free. It would cost an ordinary Rwandan almost or more than Rwf30m to own such a car.
He or she receives fuel allowance, communication allowance, housing allowance, medical insurance and finally, but not the least, “Political Power” (PP).
The mayor endeavors to take people’s wishes into account and coordinates all development activities of the district, but here here is where the job gets sweet, the reason why mayors will fight to death, and campaigns running so rough.
He is in charge of all the development of the district. The State, the private sector and development partners all go directly through the mayor to provide both technical and financial assistance to the district.
You need a tender to construct a road, a bridge, or rolling out infrastructure in the district? It doesn’t matter the process you go through, the mayors’ signature is priceless.
But all that said, the job is as hot as a potato from the frying pan. The mayor’s head always hangs on the chopping board. Any failure in the district, be security, health, poverty, corruption, even nothing including anything, it is the mayor who is answerable.
With the performance contract on their table, pressure to deliver is always the morning’s greeting. Many a time, very few Rwandans are will to dare the job.

At least thirty percent (30%) of all the councilors of the members of the District Council must be women, but some women are tough they are mayors or vice mayors such as Umutesi Solange of Nyanza in this photo.