The car of Kivu executive secretary that was torched by terror group in Nyaruguru, Rusesabagina and co-accused are allegedly linked to this
Civil parties in a trial involving Hotel Rwanda “hero” Paul Rusesabagina and 20 co-accused have requested the high court chamber for international and crossborder crimes to have the trial proceed for their clients to “get justice.”
Rusesabagina and co-accused are alleged to have conducted several crimes on Rwandan soil in Nyaruguru, Nyamagabe and Nyamasheke district, especially in 2018.

Subukiniro village, Kivu sector, Nyaruguru district. Citizen who were victims of FLN attacks. Some of them are represented as civil parties
The crimes included attacks of the MRCD-FLN which cost life to about 10 people, damaged several properties, livestock, crops, cars, among others.

Ntakirende Ntirandekura, Kitabi sector, Nyamagabe district was shot with 4 bullets. He survived
All the accused are alleged to be part of MRCD-FLN, with Rusesabagina allegedly founder and main sponsor.
In the last five trials, Rusesabagina’s side filed objections which always obliged the court to postpone hearing in substance.
This morning, the court heard that Rusesabagina and his lawyer Felix Rudakemwa seeks six more months to prepare their trial.

Ntakirende Ntirandekura. Terrorists were targetting the heart but they missed the target, he said. The man wanted to prevent assaillants to take his cow
Lawyer Mugabo Fidele said” If we continue with this pace, the trial in substance would start in 2022, yet a good trial shouldn’t go beyond 6 months. When will our clients get justice?”
The trial is set to decide on way forward after hearing all parties.
Other lawyers also suggested that the trial should proceed because the rights of one defendant should not empede the rights of others.