BPR Headquarters
Banque Populaire du Rwanda Plc (BPR Plc) is a public company limited by Shares, registered under Rwandan Laws in the Registrar General‘s office on Company code no100162830, having business address in Rwanda with Head Office at KN 67, ST 2, P. O. Box 1348, Kigali, Nyarugenge District.
Founded in 1975, Banque Populaire du Rwanda Plc started as a Cooperative to serve its members in achieving better livelihoods and later in 2008, transformed into a fully–fledged commercial bank while retaining its cooperative roots.
BPR has the largest banking network with around 137 branches and close to 50 ATM Machines countrywide. It has contributed to the economic transformation of the country and currently offers a full suite of best–in–class financial products and services to various segments of the Rwandan market. BPR Plc also leverages on the latest advancement in Technology to offer exciting digital products to deliver unmatched customer experience.
Banque Populaire du Rwanda Plc intends to dispose some of its fleet through public auction. The vehicles to be auctioned include MAHINDRA SCORPIOS, TOYOTA PICK–UPS, TOYOTA HIACE MINIBUS, and NISSAN PATROL JEEP.
The Bank offers an equal opportunity to the public to bid. In this regard, the Bank invites all interested bidders to submit their offers not later than 5th October 2021 10:00 AM at the BPR Plc Head Office 6th Floor. Bidding Terms and Conditions can be picked from BPR Plc Head Office during working hours from Tuesday 28th September, to Monday 4th October 2021.
Submitted bids will be opened in the presence of all bidders who choose to attend, or their legal representatives on the same day at 10:30 AM local time in BPR Plc Head Office 6th Floor. Please note that late Bids will not be accepted.
Those interested in inspecting the Vehicles can visit them on Thursday September, 30th at BPR former Minima Branch, and Nyamirambo Branch between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. The Contact person can be reached on +250788404918.
Done on 27th September 2021ulaire
Fred RUTIKANGA Head of Procurement
Paul MUCHEMI Chief Finance Officer