Nyamata hospital
Two pupils aged 15 years in Bugesera district, Eastern Province of Rwanda have written their Primary Leaving Examination(PLE) from maternity ward where they were under postnatal care.
One candidate hails from Nyamata sector, Murama cell of Bugesera district who sat the two first national exams at her site before the pregnancy reached full term. When she started labor, she was hurried to Nyamata hospital.
At this same hospital, another teenager wrote all the exams from the maternity. From Nyarugenge sector, Murama cell, the candidate gave birth on June 10 on c-section. When the national exams started, it was obvious that she could not manage, thus she was returned to the hospital where she wrote the exams from.
The official in charge of examinations at National Examination and Inspection Authority(NESA), Camille Kanamugire said that such cases are rare in Primary.
“Similar cases are rare in PLE; they are less than 1% of the candidates given the age of the pupils, compared to secondary school candidates,” Kanamugire said.
Cases of teenage pregnancy are on increase according to recent figures. In 2021, the cases increased by 23% to 23,000 cases of teenage/unwanted pregnancy, from 19,701 cases in 2020.