The best performing students in National examinations were awarded with laptops
The Ministry of Education has released results of National Exams for the A level – general education and Technical Education Vocational Training (TVET) – 2018.
An overall 42,145 candidates sat the national exams and 37,184 representing 88% of them passed.
This represent a decline of 1.33% compared to year 2017 where the pass rate was 89.55%.
Girls general pass rate is 84% compared to 93.3% of boys.
Soumayya Bint Outhman, a girl student who emerged among the top five in Science Combination told KT Press that readings extensively and sleeping a few hours to dedicate enough time to class works was the way to go.
“Since I had prepared quite enough, the word ‘panic’ did not have room in my heart during the examination,” she said.
Soumayya has already been awarded a scholarship to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) where she wants to study Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences.
Here are the best students by combination.