If you have several residential houses, one of them which is supposedly your home will be tax exempted
Rwanda’s tax body has started a campaign that is expected to boost district revenues and increase tax compliance among property owners.
A law on immovable properties that was passed in September 2018 requires people owning residential houses to pay property tax for each extra housing unit.
However, compliance is still low, which triggered Rwanda Revenue Authority’s property registration campaign.
The campaign kicked off in Kigali City on Tuesday, August 6.
Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) said that the registration intends to update the database for taxation, evaluating tax payers and taxing immovable property owners who have been resilient to comply.
According to Immovable properties law, tax collectors officials at the district, analyze the value of the house, developed and non-developed land and set the due tax.
“We have trained enough tax collectors to re-register immovable property owners. They will go around villages, sectors and district levels to make sure that nobody is left out. It’s a responsibility of every citizen to pay taxes and gain collective advantages,” Bizimana Pascal Ruganintwari, RRA commissioner told KT Press.
The deadline to pay immovable property tax is December 31, according to Ruganintwari.
RRA is targeting over Rwf67 Billion, district revenues in 2019/2020 financial year, up from about Rwf60 Billion last year- implying Rwf7 increase.
In Kigali city alone, the target is Rwf29.5 Billion this fiscal year, up from about Rwf25Billion last financial year.
“Efficiency in tax collection, improvement in service delivery and voluntary compliance are some of key objectives of this campaign,” RRA commissioner says.