Kigali city tower-the capital city tower-the capital Kigali regisered 80 cases alone
There were 101 new COVID-19 cases on June 29 and none thought that there could be any number close to that going forward since numbers went reducing on a daily basis until this Friday, August 14 when 93 new cases were confirmed with the capital Kigali being the most affected.
“KIgali: 80 and Rusizi:13 testing in high-risk groups and in villages under lockdown,” the Ministry of Health explained in the daily update.
These big numbers that brought the total confirmed cases to 2293 and the active cases to 681 came on the day the cabinet was supposed to take important decisions on how to embrace the “new normal” in several important sectors of the country life.
They were expected to decide on the way forward of districts under lockdown like Rusizi which has never been allowed to connect to the rest of the country since March.
They were also supposed to give a direction on the reopening of schools which was tentatively scheduled for September until July when it was clear that the pandemic was going nowhere and could not allow the schools to reopen.
Probably, the cabinet could give a direction on bars, indoor sports, betting, the other few sectors that are still completely closed.
However, the new number may suggest that more serious measures could be taken.
President Paul Kagame, during the day -August 14 reminded that it is not yet time to lower the face mask, rather, it should be correctly worn.
On a positive note, 46 new recoveries have been registered to bring the total recoveries to 1604.