Home Society Delivered From All My Fears: Apostle Masasu Writes Book to Show Remedy of Fear

Delivered From All My Fears: Apostle Masasu Writes Book to Show Remedy of Fear

by Marie Grace Munezero
4:58 pm

Apostle Yoshua Ndagijimana Masasu(L) and cover page of his book, Delivered from All My Fears

Apostle Yoshua N. Masasu, founder and legal representative of Evangelical Restoration Church is launching a book that is set to inspire people, whether Christians or not, on how they can overcome/win fears that affect them spiritually, emotionally and even physically.

The writer who is launching the book ‘Delivered From All My Fears’ this evening in Kigali, says that fear is a reality in the world, and it is high time every human being stands against that devastating scourge.

“I got inspiration back in 1982; it is about 40 years. I was a young man, a new believer but comforted with the sin of lying and other challenges. For me it was a kind of contradiction. I kept asking myself how come I was a born again but still lying. I went for a three day prayer and fasting crusade andGod spoke to me clearly: Do not ask me to solve an issue from the leaves of a tree, rather go and uproot the root causes,” he said.

By then he realized that lies are the consequences of fear. He understood that the root cause of many evil things is fear, and decided to overcome that fear and try to teach others how to do so.

After more than 60 years of life and almost 40 years of ministry, Apostle Yoshua Masasu’s conclusion is that there exists a fear that paralyzes believers and non-believers and stops them from achieving what they were created for, spiritually, emotionally, physically, relationally, and financially.

“From then on, up to 33 years, I didn’t put it in writing, I was thinking it would be a wastage of time as they say that Africans do not read and felt discouraged to write, but later I decided to write. I thought it could be a medicine, an answer to calamity, so I had to have a book, expose it, by all means I can so that many people could read it in different places, different period of time. I found that writing could be a good way to raise my voice. Now we have a book after 7 years of work,” Apostle Masasu said.

He explained how fear is a cause of sin and an insult to God because whatever you fear, you make it equal or superior to God. And propose solutions to overcome that paralyzing fear.

“Fear is general to many people. When I say fear, I do not mean simple concerns, I mean that fear that paralyzes people’s lives, the fear that causes insomnia, that terrible fear beyond the normal concern. People should first understand why that fear and learn how to fight it,” he explains.

Apostle Masasu says that fear is a worldwide issue of concern. If people pay attention to the news, they can see numerous examples of fear hitting the land. From politics to entertainment, from resources to finances, there is an element of fear that is trying to impede its way into life in general, from all angles. From childhood to adulthood, fear has attempted to restrain them to achieve their full potential.

The Apostle added that the book is not philosophical, academic, or other complicated stuff. He said that the book is simple to understand and follows the principles written in it.

In his book, Apostle Masasu testifies that it is possible to live a fear-free life. As people learn to identify the fears that threaten their lives and those that are holding them captive, they can be guided on how they can be delivered from all their fears.

“This book is more practical as it is based on testimonies, reality, and of course scriptures. It does not require any other additional skills to understand it. I have shared my personal experience and it is almost the same as other people’s,” said Masasu.

In his book, Masasu narrates how he once upon time worked for a scary lady and whenever he was late, he would lie to her because of fear, but one day he decided to be strong and tell her the truth.

“We would shake before her, and by then I used to oversleep and be late at work. Whenever she asked me, I would lie to her to save my life, but one day I lied and felt really uncomfortable, I decided to call her and tell her the truth, ‘Madam I am late because I overslept’, she was shocked but I felt relieved,” he said.

The Apostle said that the simple language he used in his book will help everyone, believer or non-believer as all face the calamity of fear. And he intends to promote and translate it into many languages so that it reaches many readers.

He said that he has other educational books but ‘Delivered From All My fears’ is the first book with a general subject.

He added that the book is available at every Evangelical Restoration Church parish and other churches that are part of his ministry, the Bible Communication Center(BCC), and in different bookshops and libraries at an affordable price.

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