Home NewsNational COVID-19: Ministry of Education Finds a Formula to Support Students With Disabilities 

COVID-19: Ministry of Education Finds a Formula to Support Students With Disabilities 

by Williams Buningwire
7:15 pm

Beneficiaries after filling the forms ready to receive radios and flash disks

For the academic compensation of students with disabilities, REB in partnership with the national union of disability organizations of Rwanda (NUDOR) have started distributing solar powered radios and flash disks with recorded lessons to help them catch up.

The distribution of learning gadgets to students with disabilities started with a donation of 76 solar radios in Nyagatare district, Eastern province on July 7, 2020.

“Students with disabilities from vulnerable families have been left behind academically, there are families that do not have radios, so we came in to donate these learning gadgets to make sure that they also learn during this lockdown,” Safari William, project manager at NUDOR said.

“Parents should find time to do what a teacher would to help students to follow lessons on radios, but also learn previously taught lessons.” 

According to REB, 300 radio receivers and 300 flash disks will be distributed in Rulindo, Ngororero, Ruhango, Nyarugenge and Nyagatare or in other words, one district per province/ city of Kigali.

Despite COVID-19 challenges affecting students with disabilities, Rwanda has made a significant commitment to embrace the right to education among children with disabilities.

The efforts include ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2008 and the establishment of the National Council for People with Disabilities (NCPD).

The latter acts as an advocacy body which also coordinates activities and monitors progress towards this commitment.