Thomas Muyombo, a.k.a Tom Close
Celebrated music star Tom Close vows to give an unforgettable live streaming show to his fans across the world through social media Youtube and Instagram.
Speaking to KT Press, the artiste and medical professional promised to give the best music therapy to his fans live on the internet come 25th this month.
“I am busy putting the pieces together in order to give an unforgettable show to my fans. Aimed at keeping fans entertained at home as they embrace stay at home and stay safe from Covid-19 pandemic measures, the show will come with many surprises,” says Tom Close.
The Sibeza singer will perform between 12-15 songs for a period of 1 hour in his living room.
Asked if he will include back-up singers like fellow musician Bruce Melody did recently, Tom Close revealed that he is still working on it to see if it’s worthy.
According to government directives, the stay at home instruction provides that no family is allowed to receive visitors, leave alone people coming for an activity that is already restricted- entertainment event.
Tom Close will be the third local artiste to throw a live stream show for music lovers since the lockdown crisis, others being Gospel star Adrien Niyonshuti and secular music star Bruce Melodie.
Music lovers won’t pay to watch the show, all is required for them to do is pay internet bundles to enjoy the show via instagram and MK1 Youtube channel.
World superstars like John Legend, Alicia Keyz, Elton John and Back to street Boyz have had successful live streaming shows from their living rooms to millions of music fans across the globe.
Tom wants to emulate such music giants hoping to succeed as they did.