L-R Anne Uwamahoro, Diane Rwigara her two brothers accompanying them and their mother
The Nyarugenge Intermediate Court has this Monday afternoon remanded Adeline Mukangemanyi Rwigara, her daughter Diane Nshimiyimana Rwigara to 30 days in prison, but granted bail for Anne Uwamahoro Rwigara.
For Mukangemanyi and Diane Rwigara, Court said they should be remanded citing security concerns and the weight of their crimes.
For Anne Uwamahoro Rwigara, the presiding Judge pronounced that she should be given bail, but also dismissed charges against her in the meantime.
The trio had been battling a bail during pre-trial hearings.
They are accused of inciting insurrection but Mukangemanyi and Nshimiyimana face separate charges; Divisionism for Mukangemanyi and forgery for Nshimiyimana Rwigara.